Membership Loyalty Scheme

Sign up to our Membership Loyalty scheme and collect points on your purchases at Suffolk Plant Centre.

Your loyalty points can then be redeemed against future purchases plus our members have exclusive
access to offers and promotions in-store.

It’s our way of giving something back to our lovely loyal customers.

Please collect your membership card in store after 24 hours from sign up. 

How It works

  1. Every time you shop at Suffolk Plant Centre, your membership card is scanned at the till.
  2. For every £1 you spend you will automatically collect 1 point.
  3. Each point is worth 1 pence against future purchases.
  4. You will see your points total so far printed on your receipt

Sign Up For Free Now


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    Would you like us to occasionally stay in touch via email with relevant marketing, offers and news?

    All information collected on this form is used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will not add you to a mailing list unless you give us permission to do so. We will never share your details with 3rd parties.